Tips on the Proper Installation of an Irrigation System

Although watering plants can take various forms, irrigation has proved the most effective and efficient method for centuries. By installing an irrigation system on a farm, you rest assured that your plants will thrive, thanks to the availability of a constant water supply. That said, an irrigation system is only as effective as its installation. Notably, poor installation affects system performance and, in turn, plant development. This article highlights tips on the proper installation of an irrigation system.

Farm Zoning — The first thing an irrigation expert does is perform a detailed farmland survey. The reason is that no two areas are the same; hence, different sections on your farm might have varying irrigation needs. Notably, ignoring your farm layout and size only leads to inefficiencies in the performance of an irrigation system. Therefore, the only way to implement a smart irrigation system is to zone out different sections and establish their watering needs. Notably, irrigation experts often zone areas with more plants versus areas without vegetation, sunny versus shaded sections or high versus low parts. For example, farm sections under direct sunlight require constant irrigation to compensate for evaporation. On the other hand, intermittent watering is enough for plants in shaded areas. Consequently, more irrigation heads should be installed in the sunny sections.

Place Irrigation Tubing in the Sun — Most irrigation systems use poly tubing because it is light and capable of working under high water pressure. However, despite its flexibility, poly tubing can be challenging to work with around bends. Since forcefully bending the tubing can lead to expensive damages, irrigation experts often place the tubing under direct sunlight for some time. The sun warms the tubing and makes it more flexible and easier to work with, especially on elevated farmlands, which goes a long way in speeding up the installation process.

Don't Over Tighten Assembly Components — Leaks are a significant concern for any irrigation system because they lead to water wastage. Unfortunately, most irrigation leaks are identified late unless there is a leak sensor within the system. In this regard, many believe the best way to avoid leaks is to over tighten assembly parts such as pressure regulators and backflow screens using a wrench. Unfortunately, it is counterproductive since it can damage the tubing and cause leakages. Instead, all components in a new irrigation system should be hand-tightened.

For more information about irrigation installation, contact a local professional.

About Me

Pest Deterrent Strategies and Other Tips for Farmers and Agriculturalists

Hi, my name is Katie. Although I was born in the city, I always pined for a rural life. I began working with animals and volunteering on organic farms as soon as I could. I also ran our community gardens. A few years ago, I finally got the farm I had always dreamed about. However, even with my extensive experience, I faced issues and ultimately learned a lot. I am still learning, and I would love to share that process with you. In this blog, I am going to look at everything, from deterring pests to choosing the best seeds. Whether you are new to the world of agriculture or an experienced pro who just wants to see things from a new angle, I hope you like this blog.

